June Round-Up & July Goals!

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

It's hard to believe that we're at the end of yet another month! Maybe these monthly goals weren't such a great idea after all, all they're doing is making this year fly in!

Mini Adventure - Glenoe Waterfall

Monday, 29 June 2015

Two weekends ago, David and I headed out for a wee drive, and we ended up at Glenoe Waterfall. We weren't heading anywhere in particular, but it felt like it had been ages since the last time we went on a little Saturday adventure! 

Blogging Realisations

Friday, 19 June 2015

It has come to my attention that I'm really not that great at keeping to scheduled posts. It's something I had thought I should work on improving, but after taking part in a Lunchtime Bloggers chat on Twitter during the week, I felt like the pressure had been taken off.

Camping in Gosford Forest Park

Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Last month over the bank holiday on the 25th May, David & I actually went camping. I say actually because it was one of my May Goals, as David had been wanting to go for ages, and I'm quite proud that we actually went! We decided to head to Gosford, as it's my favourite place in the world (well....maybe just in NI), and I know how to get there easily enough, so there would be no directions drama, which is always nice!

We borrowed my brothers’ tent, filled the car with as many blankets, duvets, pillows & food as possible, and set of for 3 days camping in the beautiful forest.

May Round-Up & June Goals

Sunday, 7 June 2015
Sunset at Browns Bay, N.I
As appears to be the theme so far this year, June has arrived way too quickly for everyone’s liking. If I was still in school, I remember exactly how excited I would've been around this time of year. Never mind exams and schoolwork and all that other rubbish, it was almost time to be off for 2 whole months!! Exams were just an inconvenience and the sooner they were over, the sooner we got to leave for the ever glorious summer holidays.