July Round-Up & August Goals!
Sunday, 2 August 2015So here we are at the beginning of yet another new month! August has rolled around, and we should be basking in glorious sunshine, enjoying all the delights that Summer has to offer! Instead, I'm sat inside, watching Harry Potter with background music of rain battering against the window. Definitely not good summer weather. It feels more like October or November, than August!
It's time again for a recap of my goals for July, (find them here) and my upcoming goals for August. I feel like they are so similar every month, and that they jsut aren't very interesting at all, and I'm sorry for that! But they help me keep track of the general things I want to do each month, and they make me feel like I'm at least pretending to be productive with my time!
Without any further ado...
July Goals
- Get a hair cut = Not Done!
I know, I know. I'm a failure! I still haven't managed to get my hair cut. It is getting beyond a joke now, though. I had my hair up in a pony-tail for the first time in years, and all I could see were these straggly, ugly, dead ends! They need to go!
- Print photos = Not Done!
No photos printed off this month, sadly! I need to get on top of this, or else I'm going to have so many to print off at once!
- Get Healthy = Work In Progress!
Still a work in progress! David and I did re-join the gym last week though, so that's an improvement. And yes, we have actually been this time!
- Tick 1 Item Off My Bucket List = Not Done!
I didn't actually manage to tick anything off my Bucket List, but David did! He got his first tattoo this month! He's so happy with it, and it looks so good. He can't wait for it to be healed! He got it done in Nautica, a tattoo studio in Carrickfergus.
- Blog Re-Name = Done!
I did actually look into my blog re-name, but I'm scared. I'm scared of doing something wrong, of losing posts or followers, or just messing it up in general! I also don't if I should go with a custom domain or not, or which would be easier!? I do know what my new name will be, though, and I'm pretty happy with it! I also got a shiny, new blog design aswell!
August Goals
- Get a Hair Cut
Someone please shout at me, drag me to the hair dressers if you have to!
- Print Photos
I know how devastated I will be if my laptop dies again and I lose all my photos, again! At least if I print them out I will still have a few good ones!
- Get Healthy
This month it's all about staying committed to the gym and actually lose some weight/see some progress! We're aiming to go at least 4 times a week. Wish me luck.
- Drink More Water
I'm actually doing far better at this than I used too, but there is always room for improvement!
- Schedule Blog Re-Name
I'll probably do a separate post on this,hopefully detailing when it's going to happen etc. but I am still pretty scared! It's something that needs to happen though, so I'll just have to man up and go through with it! Anyone who has been through a name/url/blog change please feel free to help! Seriously!
- Make Final Decision About Vague Adventures
Mine and Davids' Vague Adventures may have changed, in a major way! We have kinda changed our minds about some things, and are maybe going to do something completely different! We need to make our final decision, and let all relevant people know, and then carry on with our preparations!
So that's it for August! Hopefully I'll be a bit more successful this month than I was last month, because last month was shockingly bad.
Have you set yourself any goals for this month?